First Derm: Online Dermatology. Medical. iDoc24 Inc. Online Dermatology with Board-Certified Dermatologists for Peace of Mind. Google Play
It gave some perspective on what role a service such as iDoc24 could or should play in Africa. According to Kentaro, it seems as if good ethics and sustainability has a lot in common, however, this does not imply good business, probably mediocre business at best, otherwise it would be taking money from the poor and that is not fair.
”Det var alltid någon som skulle visa iDoc24 AB,556746-4721 - På hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, styrelse, Status, adress mm för iDoc24 AB. iDoc24 AB, 556746-4721 är ett aktiebolag i Göteborg som registrerades år 2007 och är verksamt inom Annan öppen hälso- och sjukvård, utan läkare. iDoc24 iDoc24 AB – Org.nummer: 556746-4721. På hittar du kontakt-och företagsinformation, nyckeltal, lön till VD & styrelse m.m.. Hitta information om Idoc24 AB. Adress: Berzeliigatan 24, Postnummer: 412 53. Telefon: 031-799 93 ..
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180 Degrees Consulting – iDoc24 – studentutbyte för afrikansk sjukvård. Stipendiat 180 Degrees Cnsulting (ideell förening) c/o Henrik Storm Dyrssen. Stipendiebelopp 60000 kr. Sammanfattning.
iDoc24’s First Derm app has hit a new milestone: 50,000 downloads and over 7,500 submissions! iDoc24 has created other successful dermatology apps such as STD Triage, but First Derm has become the Sök snabbt bland Sveriges alla företag och befattningshavare. Panel - Mobile Health Apps and Services - Dr Alexander Borve - Doctors 2.0 & YouModerator - Len StarnesDaniel Vierbuchen -- DocCheck Dr Alexander Börve -- iD iDoc24 offers an easy way to access a licensed dermatologist through a mobile phone or the web.
The Sweden-U.S. Entrepreneurial Forum 2014. Lessons learned from starting a company in the U.S.. Alexander Börve, Founder and CEO, iDoc24. AddThis
Send an image of any skin concern and have an answer from a board certified dermatologist in hours. Anonymously Vi har ingen information att visa om den här sidan. These lightly-sweet breakfast cookies are a great grab-and-go healthy breakfast for those busy fall weekday mornings. Packed with pumpkin spice flavor, healthy Internettjänsten iDoc24 som testas med Vården på Webben i Västra I tävlingen fick iDoc24 så höga poäng att de kan använda sig av logotypen Good Practice iDoc24 AB. Annan öppen hälso- och sjukvård, utan läkare. TELEFON Telefon: 0317999373. BESÖKSADRESS Berzeliigatan 24 412 53 Göteborg.
First Derm by iDoc24 | 349 followers on LinkedIn.
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First Derm: Online Dermatology. Medical. iDoc24 Inc. Online Dermatology with Board-Certified Dermatologists for Peace of Mind.
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20 Nov 2019 About First Derm: Incorporated as iDoc24 Inc, is a Techstars and Skydeck alumn. They lead the mobile health revolution by empowering users First Derm.
We have a portfolio of dermatology applications that provide both consumers and businesses a faster, more convenient means to receive professional advice on skin care. Dermatologists are overloaded with patients and it takes weeks to get an appointment. First Derm is iDoc24 Inc product, that has been developed from 4 years of scientific medical research. It allows anyone (B2C, B2B2C and B2B) to anonymously submit images of skin/hair/nail concerns directly to a vetted board certified dermatologist and within hours receive an on what it is and what to do next. Företag: iDoc24. Gör: Appar för telemedicin.